Jane Reed Ross

Based in Birmingham, AL, Jane has contributed to multiple defining public spaces in the city in her 40-year career; including Rotary Trail, Railroad Park, Homewood Central Park, Homewood Shades Creek Greenway, Lane Parke and the Birmingham Children’s Zoo. Combining quality design with holistic environmental solutions, Jane has created landscapes that have helped change the identity of the city and the way the people of Birmingham and visitors interact with it.

Jane’s art is inspired and informed by her career as a Landscape Architect. In her professional work, as with her art, sketching is an important part of her process. Design is revealed once pencil touches paper, bringing a seed of an idea to fruition. Jane’s paintings reflect changing attitudes towards the value of natural and built landscapes and the role they play in the quality of life for individuals and communities. She works primarily in watercolor, acrylics and prisma-color.


Adrienne Retief


Anke Schofield